Source: Photogs (by Alesia Kozik)

Why is Litecoin considered a viable alternative to Bitcoin?

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Kerry Washington
Litewallet Team Lead
July, 27 2023
Few cryptos have been operating for over a decade. Even fewer are growing in popularity and usage.  If comparing cryptocurrencies, it only makes sense to compare BTC and LTC.  And, it makes even more sense to understand why there is a need for an alternative to BTC.

Both LTC (launched in 2011) and BTC (launched in 2009) have strengths!  Many users love BTC as an alternative to gold and fiat. The capped quantity and weightlessness make it an obvious benefit.  The most successful holders of BTC are those that are patient and use it to store value for years. 

Litecoin is very different!

While Litecoin is a fork (a structural copy of Bitcoin with changes to the protocol) it is meant as an alternative to store value.  The shorter confirmation times, much lower fees and smaller transaction size makes it the best for spending and sending value on a regular basis.

Litecoin is for using!

Sure, you can hodl LTC.  But, when you need to make a purchase, Litecoin is the quicker cheaper alternative to BTC. 

Let’s face it, if you are buying a condo, or a new car…you don’t want the transaction to happen quickly.  You want to take your time.  BTC is great for that!

But, if you are doing online shopping, the last thing you want to do is pay extra in fees and wait for 1 hour or more.  That’s why you use Litecoin!

We aren’t the only ones saying this.  Bitpay grew their business dramatically when they added the Litecoin plugin.

Litecoin is for using!

When you want to quickly and cheaply move value anywhere, Litecoin is the most popular and widely used crypto method.  Please test this theory! Use Litewallet to send some LTC to a friend and clock the time it takes. It is amazing!
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Kerry Washington